Tag Archives: Primary Caregivers

The Caregivers You Can Rely On
You might not realize it, but the people who provide you with care have a significant impact on your recovery. It is best to choose those who will care for you because their quality of care can have a positive influence on you. Here is where caregive...
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Negative Impacts of Social Isolation on Aging Love Ones
A JAMA Network Open study published online on February 2, 2022, shares that social isolation and loneliness are bad for our hearts as well as our moods and significantly increase heart disease risk in older women. The study evaluated 57,825 postmenop...
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Are You A Night Worker? Daytime Eating May Help
Some of us don’t have the luxury of enjoying only one job. For people who have to care for sick or aging loved ones, juggling home life and work can be difficult at times. Because of this, primary caregivers tend to care for their loved ones in the...
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